Benefits of the Use of Bio CNG

  • Bio CNG is clean energy and carbon emmission is lower than biogas and CNG
  • A Bio CNG is renewable energy source as it is generated from farm, animal and muncipal wastes
  • In India Animal waste is abundant and cheaply available
  • Bio CNG is clean energy and carbon emmission is lower than biogas and CNG
  • Bio CNG is similar to CNG so no need to modify engine to shift from CNG to Bio CNG
  • Calorific value of BIO CNG is same so energy production is similar to CNG
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Biogas to Bio CNG, How?

Bio CNG is purified and compressed form of Biogas with more than 90% of methane content.The purification of biogas is essential to increase its energy potential. It is clean renewable fuel with calorific value and other properties similar to CNG. Its Application is Industrialm, Automobile, domestic and commericial. It reduces the burden on Carbon emmission.

Properties of Bio-CNG

Bio CNG Comprising of has a methane content of 92%-98%, 2-8% carbon dioxide. Calorofic value of Bio CNG is 52000 KJ which is more than conventional biogas.

Bio CNG Production

It is produced through the decomposition of biogenic waste in the absence of oxygen. Biogenic waste is a broad term used for waste generated by plants and animals. The biomass is cleaned/scrubbed to get the desired quality of Biogas.

Animal Waste Sources

  • Dairy Farms
  • Poultry Farms
  • Other Animal Husbandry

Plant/ Farm waste

  • Paddy Straw
  • Wastes from the food plants
  • Fodder Crop
  • Napier Grass
  • Solid Organic Waste
  • Municipal Solid Waste